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Mexico probes possible money tie between actress, drug boss

Mexico probes possible money  tie between actress, drug boss

Mexico probes possible money tie between actress, drug boss


Mexico's attorney general says there are indications that drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman had business dealings with actress Kate del Castillo, who arranged a meeting between the drug boss and actor Sean Penn.

Arely Gomez tells the newspaper El Universal that officials are investigating possible money laundering involving the actress' tequila business. But she says they don't have "legal certainty" a crime was committed.

Del Castillo arranged Penn's Oct. 2 interview with Guzman. It was published by Rolling Stone magazine on Jan. 9, a day after the fugitive Guzman was recaptured.

Gomez says officials want to question del Castillo.

The interview was published Tuesday.

Del Castillo hasn't replied to requests for comment. On Twitter, she's said many people are making up "items they think will make good stories."

Escrito en: says, drug, Castillo, they

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